Big thought from a little person.. Sometimes the smallest change makes the most significant difference :)
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
The Chic Country Girl: Holiday Giveaway
The Chic Country Girl: Holiday Giveaway: Black Bird Sketch Book/Journal & Mini Glitter Clothes Pins ...
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Sometimes.. Pink sings my life songs you know? She is just there for me when i need a song or someone to put a head on. I love you Pink! Sometimes how much your heart hurts and how much you wish for something.. IT just doesn't happen.. I stalk you night and day but no way you'll be mine. It's like I never found love and I am never meant to you know? It is heartbreaking and awful.. but well people think that I am always happy and cheerful and love everything about life.. Well, you're wrong.. It's just that nobody tried to be my friend for real.. A true friend who will be there for me just because she wants to.. Never had one.. You know, god did say everything happens for a reason. After all the hard things I faced today.. I remembered to put my game face on. My trader face.. To face this sadistic world.. Yes.. saying it is sadistic is abit too extreme but well.. that's life. I live it one moment at a time. Baby steps before the leaps you know? Some people just don't understand my concept. PLAN FOR FUTURE! Yes! I do do that but in my way.. Everyone will see in time. Even the furthest of the stars do shine in the sky and remember world.. I'm one star you'll never forget or regret having. Backstabbers? Cheaters? The Liars? Yeah, met them all.. Been there done that. I lot my trust in humans thanks to the like of you. I won't mention but I hope at some moment of your rotten life, you'll look back to the past thinking how you should have been different at times you were mean. I'm not saying I deserve to be treated like a princess or anything of that sort but hey, I don't deserve to be treated like dirt. I'm not as beautiful or as talented as you are now.. Do not the word now.. You have no idea what the future beholds. That is exactly why no matter how much you, as a friend hurt me, I stay silent, let my tears fall. My every tear for you will somehow get back to all your mean doings. Heard of karma? She is a bitch just so you know. I won't say anything more but remember whoever is reading this and have ever betrayed a friend or your parents.. They may not know or pretend not to but HE knows.. Anyways, I'll go through with the best ways I can. I'm not cursing your life or anything but I pity you.. For not realizing your mistakes which you will regret. Somethings in life cannot be advised but it can only be corrected through self realization.
If I had a choice between friendship and pride.. I'll pick friendship.. EVERY TIME.. Pride is something short lived.. But friendship is forever.. You do know the phrase friends forever don't you? Ever heard pride forever?
If I had a choice between friendship and pride.. I'll pick friendship.. EVERY TIME.. Pride is something short lived.. But friendship is forever.. You do know the phrase friends forever don't you? Ever heard pride forever?
Monday, July 11, 2011
Alright, I do realize I've been mia'ing for a long long LONG time. Seems like i have so much to do and so little time. I've practically been blogging in my head for weeks! Okay fine! Technically sorta like 10 days ish. Anyways, okay my week ended bad. I screwed up. It was unintentional but I did. Real badly. People I hurt might not forgive me but I hope the gods do. Live just does not have a backspace button does it? I wish it did so we can erase every single mistake we did.. So life would be somehow perfect but the thing is.. A perfect life is no life at all. In life we all must make mistakes.
Last week, I found on of Boon Lim's sticker notes. He probably would not talk to me.. But if he does come across this.. I'd like to say.. "Boon Lim, I thank you from the bottom of my heart coz your note got me through the most difficult part of my week.. You saved me from shedding too much tears in self pity. Thank you..!"
Now, I'd like to GUSH about my new art supplies!!! Can i get a whoop whoop? :) Basically I got a ton of supplies and most of it is from my parents! :) Thank you mummy and daddy! :)
Last week, I found on of Boon Lim's sticker notes. He probably would not talk to me.. But if he does come across this.. I'd like to say.. "Boon Lim, I thank you from the bottom of my heart coz your note got me through the most difficult part of my week.. You saved me from shedding too much tears in self pity. Thank you..!"
Now, I'd like to GUSH about my new art supplies!!! Can i get a whoop whoop? :) Basically I got a ton of supplies and most of it is from my parents! :) Thank you mummy and daddy! :)
An Italy bag from Aunty :) Loveeeeee <3
Supplies part one! Cardstock, glitter, Stickers! and lots of wrapping paper!
Part two! Felt! Butterfly puncher and some pens and glitter from before :)
Then I'd like to tell you about some of the amazing projects I came up with this week :)
Pandalicious bookmark :)
Card for Zen (front)
Card for Zen (back)
Card for Zen (inside)
Random bookmarks I made for my bookworm sis :)
Made this out o felt :) Gave it to Jie Mie :)
P.S. This is how a art fanatic's table looks like :P
Next, I got some Prismacolour Markers from my dad! Need I say more? It's like FUN FUN FUN FUN! :) Its the best tool ever and I totally recommend it to anyone! :) Here are some of my 'playing around' with my toys! :)
Loveeee! :)
Butterfly :)
Fat Cat! :) I heart how the flower turned out!
Behind of my copy paper! After colouring!
Behind of my copy paper! After colouring! (monster)
I am practically gushing over me markers! :) I loveeeeee them!! Eeeeee! :) Tomorrow is lisan for me.. huhuhu! Hopefully it runs smoothly :) God bless it runs okay.. and well fingers crossed for me World Stage passes! :)
Nights world! And my markers! Muaks muaks muaks~
Oh before I go.. Random pics I took :)
Can you handle it?! (I did and cried)
The Game Face.. (tak jadi)
I drew this during the weekend! :)
Nights! For real! <3
Sunday, July 3, 2011
So people.. I've been working on this video for hours and hours and honestly I thought I'll never finish it but hey.. I'm done and all.. Happiness! Youtube has some shitty copyright crap but hell.. Here is my video! Link here ok people? My first video so rate, comment and subscribe.. :) --> Video!
Friday, July 1, 2011
Hey ya'll! Today was an awesome day! First, school was great.. Learnt alot of new stuff and all.. You know the usual school stuff? :)
Then, when I got home, I saw I had a MMS from Shane.. It was something about best friends. Maxis sends me those all the time but to think someone actually had the liberty to forward me one was amazing. It really made my day.. :) Thank you Shane.. You're a good friend of mine too.
I sat down in front of my laptop from 3.00pm until now learning to animate some Bannedstory characters and I guess I am pretty successful! I can do some cute animations now! It's actually for this video competition.. So excited! I need to finish it by this week though! Deadlines are a bit of a suicide!
Haha! Later today, I'm going for Transformers!! Eee!! So excited! :) I can't wait to watch it! I bet its good! :)
That's it laa! Ciao! Later I'll review my movie! Keep following for more sneak peak and my video too :)
Then, when I got home, I saw I had a MMS from Shane.. It was something about best friends. Maxis sends me those all the time but to think someone actually had the liberty to forward me one was amazing. It really made my day.. :) Thank you Shane.. You're a good friend of mine too.
I sat down in front of my laptop from 3.00pm until now learning to animate some Bannedstory characters and I guess I am pretty successful! I can do some cute animations now! It's actually for this video competition.. So excited! I need to finish it by this week though! Deadlines are a bit of a suicide!
Here is a sneak peak.. I am not sure if this is the right video..
since I made so many retakes for a scene :(
Haha! Later today, I'm going for Transformers!! Eee!! So excited! :) I can't wait to watch it! I bet its good! :)
That's it laa! Ciao! Later I'll review my movie! Keep following for more sneak peak and my video too :)
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
This whole week has been all about Bill BILL BILL! I keep thinking about how on earth am I going to finish my video! You might be wondering what video right? Its this compettion by Tokio Hotel Fan club Europe and I am so going for it! Dang, I won't miss a chance to support my buys! :) MY BOYS!! P.S. Lots of hugs for my Japanese lady, Sarah :) You're animes are just as fantastic as you.. You just wait, the first kitsune drawing I'm imaging in my head is going to be for you :)
Today, the whole day, Sangeetha, Inez, Yee Leng and Sharon have been singing Christmas Carols and some songs on 99 bottles of beer.. :o Thanks alot.. I was singing those songs subconsciously the whole day! ):
And well, I suddenly got super interested in arts and craft again after so man many years! All thanks to this random page i found on Facebook. Angeliquirk! Do check her out :) Amazing person she is! And then there comes Alyssa. She and her amazing mum came to my rescue to supply me with candies :) Weee!!! Aly just so you know, you might have been cheated on by an idiotic douchebag but you're an amazing star who is sometimes abit to bright that people tend to get jealous and be nasty about you. Sorry for the methaphor!
Okay! Too hyper now! I am gonna do homework to go and chill myself! Weee~~
Oh! Before i go *not for long i hope* HAPPY BIRTHDAY MUMMY!! (my real one, not you Jie) I loveee you!!
Today, the whole day, Sangeetha, Inez, Yee Leng and Sharon have been singing Christmas Carols and some songs on 99 bottles of beer.. :o Thanks alot.. I was singing those songs subconsciously the whole day! ):
And well, I suddenly got super interested in arts and craft again after so man many years! All thanks to this random page i found on Facebook. Angeliquirk! Do check her out :) Amazing person she is! And then there comes Alyssa. She and her amazing mum came to my rescue to supply me with candies :) Weee!!! Aly just so you know, you might have been cheated on by an idiotic douchebag but you're an amazing star who is sometimes abit to bright that people tend to get jealous and be nasty about you. Sorry for the methaphor!
Okay! Too hyper now! I am gonna do homework to go and chill myself! Weee~~
Oh! Before i go *not for long i hope* HAPPY BIRTHDAY MUMMY!! (my real one, not you Jie) I loveee you!!
Saturday, June 11, 2011
It's been so long since i last updated you! I'm so sorry ): It's just that I didn't have anything to say to the outer world.. You know, being at home all the times brings up the insecurities in myself. I start doing things I shouldn't do. Now, an ugly scar rests on my hand. Whoever reading this probably thinks I'm crazy or something. I'm not depressed or having issues or want attention or anything mean you'll think of. I just have insecurities. Who doesn't right? It's pretty normal to feel that way. Trusting yourself doesn't come as naturally as breathing you know? Life has so many twists and turn. We are all just for a ride eh? :)
So yesterday I went on this movie marathon with myself.. I am not forever alone or anything but I love to do things on my own sometimes. Sappy love stories should not.. I mean NOT be watched in a group. I tend to cry a lot. So, well the self movie marathons. I watched like 4 movies back to back until 5.30am. I don't know why I did that. I guess it was a at-the-moment impulse.
I finished the whole Season 1 first :)
This drama was awesome. It's mystery, British and exciting. What's not to love? :)
Then I started with my Romance Movies :) First one up..
Then i watched this.. BEASTLY!
If this story was real.. It would be a GMH story to everyone who feels bad about their appearance and a lesson to those who feel too proud of theirs.
This is a beautiful movie... Had me in tears but loved the happy ending :)
This was funny but romantic too! :)
That was my movie escapade.. then today it was a long day! :) I had so much of fun. I had Biology tuition in the morning where i was battling to stay awake! I had absolutely not enough sleep! But nevertheless, I felt a satisfaction like nothing can give me. I felt satisfied to give me some ME TIME.. You know? I was so free to do anything yet I felt so stuck. I felt so caged. This holiday gave me personal freedom like nothing else. As well as a couple of kg's to battle :(
So.. in the afternoon i went for Angry Bird's Playground at Low Yat Plaza Boulevard Strip. It was one of the most amazing things i did this holiday. It was simply ecstatic! I felt like screaming in joy. Imagine a kid in a candy store.. filled with things she love. I was practically smiling my head off there. If only i had the time to try out all the activities there. There was so much to do and too little time (not to mention the huge crowd as well). Anyways, I feel so proud that I was one of the people who contributed to the Guinness World Record attempt to break the highest number of people playing Angry Birds on a mobile device. The goal was 1000 but surprise surprise! We had a grand total of 2030 people who contributed! Malaysia sure BOLEH! :)
Aren't they cuties?
Sling and Win.. I didn't get to try it though.
Graffiti art by talented artists :)
Chirpy steps? :)
The entrance to heaven like memories <3
Not any major goodies but hey, they are perfect as they are :)
I had a fantastic day and well, I ended the day with a movie out in the cinema. It was fantastic! I watched X-Men First Class.. It was awesome as in all the superpowers and all but based on story line it was just meh!
It's almost 6am and I'm not asleep so before i actually leave, here is a beautiful quote from the movie Pride and Prejudice.. Totally love it so much :)
Oh! And P.S. Look for the Keira Knightly version form 2004 if you wanna watch it alright?
Mr. Darcy: Miss Elizabeth. I have struggled in vain and I can bear it no longer. These past months have been a torment. I came to Rosings with the single object of seeing you... I had to see you. I have fought against my better judgment, my family's expectations, the inferiority of your birth by rank and circumstance. All these things I am willing to put aside and ask you to end my agony.
Elizabeth Bennet: I don't understand.
Mr. Darcy: I love you.
Mr. Darcy: I love you.
Nights everyone~ And if you really truly read till here, thank you for reading. You brighten up my day.
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Little girl, anticipating, waiting for her turn at telling Santa what she wanted for her Christmas present. Older kids pushed her and went in front of the line. She wiped her eyes and looked on. Her turn would come. She got closer and closer to Santa and finally it was her turn. She sat on Santa's lap and looked into his old and wise eyes. "Santa, all I ever want for my Christmas is my sister to be healed. Please make her smile again!" At this point.. she was already breaking down in tears. She had no one else to go to. Her sister had cancer, she won't survive long. She needed a heart to survive. That night the little girl got her wish but it came with a price. She didn't mind paying though. To her, nothing was not worth as for her sister. She smiled all the way to Christmas morning...
That was 20 years ago. Now I stand here looking at the worn out stone that marked the grave of that little girl. Tears dropped freely from my eyes. She sacrificed herself for the well being of her sister. She was unselfish. I am the sister she sacrificed for. I thank the heavens everyday for the angel they blessed me. "Thank you Katy..".. I heard a soft laughter brought by the soft blowing wind... I smiled for i know i have an angel watching over me.
~Folks that was a random story :) Trying out this thing called random title generator :O
~I'm off to Penang in a while so I'll keep you folks updated :D
~I love you people :D
~Ciao it's super late :)
~Keep checking back yeah?
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Hey everyone! :) How have you all been? Yes I have not updated that often but well I hope this post will be a good one :) Okay so yesterday I went to Prim's birthday party. It was quite fun I suppose. Especially the part we played with the party sprays or something. Then a bunch of us got out and went to Desa Park City.. :) It was along tedious walk with alot of snails to battle on the way and a couple of mischief by the boys of course. We went all the way for steamboat and it ended up.. They were closing!! D: So we just settled for ice cream and more ice cream. We took a walk around the area there. They have a nice big walking area there. It was uber fun! Just sad that some of them couldn't join us. Would have been fun :) Came home at 11 with blisters and a soaked dress but i did not regret one second of it :)
So the next thing is I saw YOU again and hopefully will see you again this holidays. :) I'm practically counting the days until our next meeting! :x How you got me falling, i don't know but it doesn't matter right? I'll be a observer from the side.. And I'll just watch you. Since that's th best i can do. I hate falling for someone :/
Okay, now about what I'm working on.. I just did this awesome picture of a spider on black paper with pastels. But i'm totally planning to do more.. Impressions perhaps? Hmm, this gets more fun every-time! :)
Okeh, off for steamboat now! See ya'll later. If you see me as a bloated pig after holidays, you'll know why :) I have food 24/7! D:
Before i go, If YOU are reading this blog.. You won't know I'm mentioning you when you don't know the YOU I'm talking about. This is darn confusing but i think I like you. Pretty pretty please don't you ever ever leave.. But either way, you won't be mine.. but still imaginations and dreams are my own and i can keep them for life.. Urgh. being a person is so hard. :(

So the next thing is I saw YOU again and hopefully will see you again this holidays. :) I'm practically counting the days until our next meeting! :x How you got me falling, i don't know but it doesn't matter right? I'll be a observer from the side.. And I'll just watch you. Since that's th best i can do. I hate falling for someone :/
Okay, now about what I'm working on.. I just did this awesome picture of a spider on black paper with pastels. But i'm totally planning to do more.. Impressions perhaps? Hmm, this gets more fun every-time! :)
Okeh, off for steamboat now! See ya'll later. If you see me as a bloated pig after holidays, you'll know why :) I have food 24/7! D:
Before i go, If YOU are reading this blog.. You won't know I'm mentioning you when you don't know the YOU I'm talking about. This is darn confusing but i think I like you. Pretty pretty please don't you ever ever leave.. But either way, you won't be mine.. but still imaginations and dreams are my own and i can keep them for life.. Urgh. being a person is so hard. :(
~Ciao :)
Friday, May 27, 2011
No I didn't hear the bell signalling the end of school today. I guess my brain shut off a while.. Or maybe i was too preoccupied with what was awaiting me after that day! 2 weeks of nothing but mountains of fun and a bit of homework too i guess.. BUT who cares?! It's holidays! And today is Friday! Another good reason to be happy! *sings Rebecca Black's Friday*
I started this fantastically me time 2 weeks by making dough :) Ya know those play dough we used to make when we were smaller? Those playdough.. with food colouring so mind you.. don't ask me why are my hands red :) It is called pure entertainment! :)
I started this fantastically me time 2 weeks by making dough :) Ya know those play dough we used to make when we were smaller? Those playdough.. with food colouring so mind you.. don't ask me why are my hands red :) It is called pure entertainment! :)
My first creation :) Oh yeah! :)
Oh and if you do want to try out the dough for youself.. here is the recipe :)
2 cups of flour (I used wheat flour but i think regular flour should do the trick)
3/4 cup of water (add abit by abit)
3/4 cup of salt
**Put all together and mix till you get the soft dough and happy creating! :) Oh! And you can dry it for a couple of days for it to turn stone hard.. P.S. Just air dry it :) So cool right?! Let me know if you do try it and how it turns out :) GTG now! Ciao! And happy holidays folks! :)
Thursday, May 26, 2011
So today, I skipped school.. yeah *again* coz I just wasn't up for it you know? All I want to do really is watch a good movie and laze around like a good slob.. But it didn't go that way today though. I woke at 9am and then started my long day of chores and homework and tution! But I won't say it was all that bad either.. I had some good time reading storybooks and a bit of sleep. It certainly did put me in a better mood.. Today I feel like randomly giving a shout out to a person who probably won't read this anyways..
Lim Chee Wen,
The teddy bear you got me is fantastically awesome and it makes me smile all the time because it reminds me of all the crazy and stupid things we used to do and the domo doll i stash behind my bed started my obsession for anything with teeth that says RAWR! :) I just heart you like that :)
Hmm.. Maybe i should write a story in here or something... Let me know what you think.. beloved STALKERS ;)
Finally, Kheng Fai you made my day you silly silly boy :) You made me smile all night long and I still am smiling right now. Adeline might think you are ugly but in reality you seriously are an extremely cute person and super hyper and fun to be around :) You're like always so so so happy and I can't figure out why exactly. Nevertheless, you are pretty awesome to be around and I would enjoy being around you. I love you :)
Nights world :)
Lim Chee Wen,
The teddy bear you got me is fantastically awesome and it makes me smile all the time because it reminds me of all the crazy and stupid things we used to do and the domo doll i stash behind my bed started my obsession for anything with teeth that says RAWR! :) I just heart you like that :)
Hmm.. Maybe i should write a story in here or something... Let me know what you think.. beloved STALKERS ;)
Finally, Kheng Fai you made my day you silly silly boy :) You made me smile all night long and I still am smiling right now. Adeline might think you are ugly but in reality you seriously are an extremely cute person and super hyper and fun to be around :) You're like always so so so happy and I can't figure out why exactly. Nevertheless, you are pretty awesome to be around and I would enjoy being around you. I love you :)
Nights world :)
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
So this week has been long! Not just long! Mega super long! Looking forward to the weekend ahead though. I bet it is going to be a great holiday. Going to Penang for a couple of days or a one day trip! Mmm can already taste my dear dear char kuey teow! :D
The one and only Penang Char Kuey Teow!
Been getting a couple of exam results this week. After getting one another, I'm practically losing my mood to even continue getting the rest. It is all upside down! I totally agree on the fact that exam are more bearable than the results! Enough exam talk! Now lets go on to this weekend. Probably I'm going to Primeena's birthday party. Well, it''s during the holidays and we get to friend bond so why not? :)
Next, why does everyone have to disturb me with him? I just got to know he faces the same problem as well.. Why can't people just understand that some things in life cannot work out that well because its not meant to work out? Is all random friends doomed to the same fate? I really hope not. Next time, think and get the real deal before making up your own version of a story which you have no idea of the truth factor.. It's bloody annoying.
Finally, before I go back to doing my homework, I would like to wish a happy happy birthday to a beloved friend :) Kheng Fai HAPPY BIRTHDAY! :D I love you :)
Fai.. Always the damn lol guy :)
Thats my update for today! Ciao folks :D
Saturday, May 21, 2011
What is with perfection that everybody thrives it so much? It's most people's life challenge to be perfect in everything they do.. What do you achieve beside self satisfaction and a little 'oohh' and 'ahhs' here and there? Nothing much right? It's easy for me to say but human nature is way more oblivious to that when it comes to actions.. Its frustrating to be perfect and I know it because i was once a victim and sometimes still am. Every girl goes through a phase where they constantly say..
I'm Ugly
I Can Never be Perfect
I Can Never be Good Enough
I'm Useless..
Now when i come back to think about all I used to do because i thought i was ugly and stupid and useless.. It makes me crack up.. You know, there is nothing you can't handle when you get your self confidence boost at times..When I do get mine.. I daresay I feel even more perfect than Aphrodite.. That day when i woke up and said to myself.. "Why do I have to feel so bad about myself when there are a lot of people who would kill to be me, in my life, my place?" That was the day my realization took over me. I became a more confident me. I daresay that one point defined who I am. I wasn't the most quiet girl anymore. I wans't so self conscious anymore. I wasn't scared of other people's snide remarks. I became the me I was meant to be fully.
Whoever reading this post.. you might be wondering why am I speaking of insecurity but this movie triggered my mind of a scared little girl who never thought she would be who she is today..
I'm Ugly
I Can Never be Perfect
I Can Never be Good Enough
I'm Useless..
Now when i come back to think about all I used to do because i thought i was ugly and stupid and useless.. It makes me crack up.. You know, there is nothing you can't handle when you get your self confidence boost at times..When I do get mine.. I daresay I feel even more perfect than Aphrodite.. That day when i woke up and said to myself.. "Why do I have to feel so bad about myself when there are a lot of people who would kill to be me, in my life, my place?" That was the day my realization took over me. I became a more confident me. I daresay that one point defined who I am. I wasn't the most quiet girl anymore. I wans't so self conscious anymore. I wasn't scared of other people's snide remarks. I became the me I was meant to be fully.
Whoever reading this post.. you might be wondering why am I speaking of insecurity but this movie triggered my mind of a scared little girl who never thought she would be who she is today..
It's a story of a girl who wanted to be perfect.. She tried so hard she died.. I can't stop crying.. I feel so bad for her.. Anyways it is a beautiful movie and I totally recommend it :)
Lastly.. I'm in love with Adam Young!! :D :D
Sweet dude from Owl Ciy :)
It's late! Gute nacht~
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Today was the last day of exam! To all of you who are saying we have results.. bla bla.. Here's one word.. Ever heard of temporary happiness? Live life at the moment! Don't mourn for the past or grieve for the future! Everything has a time and place to do (says the one who worries too much of her future) :)
So, today my topic is going to be about how i found Pei Shee stalks me.. This woman is creepy D: You don't have to know the You-Know-Who okeh :O But i love you lots alright woman :) Once a monster forever a monster :)
Well, I'm really sleepy now.. so zzz for a bit :) Will update my massive art project soon <3
Lovess xxxx
So, today my topic is going to be about how i found Pei Shee stalks me.. This woman is creepy D: You don't have to know the You-Know-Who okeh :O But i love you lots alright woman :) Once a monster forever a monster :)
Well, I'm really sleepy now.. so zzz for a bit :) Will update my massive art project soon <3
Lovess xxxx
Friday, May 13, 2011
Finally got Time :)
Finally get to blog again.. Maintainence Maintainence Maintainence! This week was long i guess.. So much exam! I think my Biology paper went pretty bad but I hope it all turns out well! Still got one week to go :)
I drew this yesterday on my new Corel Painter programme..
I drew this yesterday on my new Corel Painter programme..
I think it was an okay first step :)
And to you..
The last time i felt like this,
I was falling in love,
Falling and feeling,
I thought i'd never fall in love again..
Now off to study Chemistry :)
Saturday, May 7, 2011
I find you really ironic right now. Avoiding me kills your past? Changes it all back to normal again? Come on, being kids ain't good you know? Grow up little boy! Life is too simple in your point of view. Pathetic.. That's all i can say but well, I'll still wish you luck in this world, not because you deserve it but because i don't deserve to curse people :o But if it were up to me, you'll never find a woman who is your perfect match for you disrespect to girls. I never knew a person like you until I've met you. So do let me know if you still do have a good life after all this. So adios, what should i call you? Friend or foe? Either way.. ich hass dich :)
To well.. You-Probably-Don't-Know-Who.. Can you stop making me fall? I wrote this for you so i hope you magically read and realize but well.. I won't blame you if you don't anyway.. I'm random like that :)
To well.. You-Probably-Don't-Know-Who.. Can you stop making me fall? I wrote this for you so i hope you magically read and realize but well.. I won't blame you if you don't anyway.. I'm random like that :)
If missing you is an emotion,
Then why does my heart long your voice,
My mind screaming your name,
Your thoughts blur my vision,
Your name lifts my heart?
If missing you is just a trick of mind,
Why am i roaming with no direction,
Your face appears alongside the roads,
My head hurts when i recall,
All that we could have been but not.
Its too late i see,
I love you so much,
But when the time was right i didn’t say it,
Kept it all inside and now i’ve lost-,
Lost everything that i have ever wanted.
It’s too late to say this- but I- I love you,
With my heart and soul,
I’ve been terribly lonely and alone for long,
But nothing matters now since you’re all gone,
I’m not sorry i loved you but I’m sorry you’ll never know
Then why does my heart long your voice,
My mind screaming your name,
Your thoughts blur my vision,
Your name lifts my heart?
If missing you is just a trick of mind,
Why am i roaming with no direction,
Your face appears alongside the roads,
My head hurts when i recall,
All that we could have been but not.
Its too late i see,
I love you so much,
But when the time was right i didn’t say it,
Kept it all inside and now i’ve lost-,
Lost everything that i have ever wanted.
It’s too late to say this- but I- I love you,
With my heart and soul,
I’ve been terribly lonely and alone for long,
But nothing matters now since you’re all gone,
I’m not sorry i loved you but I’m sorry you’ll never know
OH, and today was History exams. Dear lord, why torture us with so much? My hands went on a major workout and so did my brains. Out of order for some time now :P Butt cramp too so in conclusion.. Exams are bad for you :) Eat and sleep better!
**Nights World**
**Nights World**
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
This morning, I woke up and said to myself.. 'Hey maybe I should skip school?' It was raining so super bad that all i wanted to do was sleep :) But again, going to school means I get to see you! And that alone made me rush out to school.. It was a pretty boring day though but I got to see you still :) Thank you for brightening up my day! And so it is exam week so I hope all turns out well >< I won't be blogging anytime soon I guess.. See about it..
P.S. Adeline why do you have to go missing at the most critical time? :( I miss you woman! AND WE HAVE TO TALK!
And so I'll end it with random pictures..
P.S. Adeline why do you have to go missing at the most critical time? :( I miss you woman! AND WE HAVE TO TALK!
And so I'll end it with random pictures..
Randomly bored with studying :)
Still bored :)
See ya soon <3
Monday, May 2, 2011
You know one thing I can't tolerate in life besides myself? (yes I can't stand myself) People who don't do what they are supposed to! I won't mention who and what but seriously do your duty. People like this are just a disgrace in my opinion. Nothing in life is plainly easy so even if that thing is hard, just do it, if it brings a great change in another person's life. Today was really an unfulfilling day but i hope it gets better. It would be if all these voices don't sound in my head. I feel like I'm having internal wars with my brain and heart. Aww, well it happens right? As usual, pictures means a thousand words :)
And here we go again :o
The exact reason I have no way of telling you.. And finally something to sum this all up: “Watch your thoughts, for they become words. Watch your words, for they become actions. Watch your actions, for they become habits. Watch your habits, for they become character. Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.” |
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